ADHD Evaluations for Children and Adults

About 11% of children and 4.4% of adults are affected by ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (Source: NIMH). A number of studies have shown the adverse effects of untreated ADHD on various aspects of a person's school / work performance and personal life. A thorough evaluation with a psychologist is the first step toward understanding the impact of ADHD on an individual and developing a clear plan of action.

Do you see signs of ADHD in yourself or your child?

  • having trouble focusing

  • getting distracted easily

  • becoming bored with tasks

  • having a hard time organizing belongings

  • failing to finish things on time

  • losing things

  • fidgeting or moving around too much

  • talking too much or blurting out

Testing for ADHD in children

ADHD Evaluations for Children

ADHD testing is often recommended when parents see their children and adolescents struggle with daily tasks involving executive function. These students seem to perform inconsistently or below their potential. For students in elementary through high school, a thorough evaluation can clarify the underlying issue and identify effective strategies to put in place. The results of ADHD evaluations can also enhance parents' abilities to work with the school (e.g. a 504 Plan) and support their child's efforts in school.

Evaluations for College Students

Students with an attention deficit disorder often admit feeling frustrated and anxious about their grades. They can easily miss academic deadlines and fall behind in their coursework. With an accurate diagnosis and treatment for ADHD, a student can address the negative impact of attention issues on their self-esteem and experience success with less stress.

ADHD evaluations for adults

ADHD Testing for Adults

ADHD can make it hard to stay on top of projects and meet basic deadlines. With an assessment of executive functioning, you can figure out the obstacles that stand in your way. After a long history of issues with executive functioning, an accurate diagnosis can finally allow adults to confront the issues causing chronic stress and experience a greater sense of satisfaction in life overall.

Wondering about the process involved in an evaluation for ADHD and other concerns related to executive functioning?