Social-Emotional Evaluations

Find solutions when emotional and behavioral problems affect life at home, at school, or at work.

What can we learn from social-emotional testing?

  • impact of worries or low mood

  • views about oneself

  • views about other people

  • how an individual deals with everyday problems

  • interpersonal strengths or challenges

Evaluations for social skills and behavior in children

Social Skills and Self-Concept

For younger children, social-emotional testing with a psychologist involves in-person testing as well as a detailed interview with parents and questionnaires designed to identify areas of difficulty.  Valuable information is also typically gathered from the child's teachers through questionnaires to determine the potential impact of social-emotional issues.

Older children and teenagers participate more actively in the evaluation process, which involves testing sessions that include interactive tasks, questionnaires, and projective measures. For adults, an assessment of social-emotional adjustment can involve detailed clinical interviews, performance-based testing, and questionnaires.

Personality and coping skills evaluations for adults

Reasons to Pursue Social-Emotional Testing

Social-emotional testing gives you answers when you are concerned about social skills, coping ability, mood, or self-control. Some possible causes include issues related to: anxiety, depression, attention deficit, autism, anger and personality disorders. Social-emotional testing can help you understand the best ways to tackle these problems.

Social-emotional evaluations provide valuable information for therapists to help their clients move forward in therapy. In addition, parents can better understand their child's needs and then learn the best ways to support them at home. For adults, these evaluations allow you to see the obstacles that stand in your way. Once you gain an in-depth understanding of your self-concept and coping skills, you can take steps to feel more satisfied in your life.